A Wealth of Riches

Hello Everyone,

So, little did I know when I ran screaming from my “music business” life, and now back to playing full time that I would have such a full plate.  No rest for the wicked it seems..

And as if THAT were not enough… there’s “A Nodd To Todd.” An evening of “unplugged” live performances of songs by, of, affiliated with, and/or heretofore/theretofore/where’s-the-door… relative to Todd Rundgren.  

I am currently assembling an acoustic show focusing on some of the songs that I was fortunate to have co-written with Todd, along with many which I simply performed with him over time… along with the stories behind them!  This show promises to be a lot of great memories and laughs (yes, I will probably tell the cannon story…).


Annnnd… JUST to be certain that I was in the clear here, I thought it not a bad idea to actually ask Todd directly if he was good with this… and, indeed he is. He gave me an enthusiastic “Nodd.” (notice the clever thing that I did with the “d’s” there?  I am a constant source of self amusement).

Anyway… with that Papal blessing in hand, I’m looking forward to taking this show around to a variety of venues in between bouts of rehearsals with Touch, and spending some time with you all sharing songs and a plethora of Onion-headed Tales from the “Who The Heck Is That Guy?” from Utopia.

Look for one or two soft launch shows before the end of the year, with a full launch in 2024.   Itinerary to follow.

All my good juju,


4 replies
    • Doug Howard
      Doug Howard says:

      Hi Leslie. Thanks for asking! “The Nodd” shows will be US focused. Not certain about any Touch shows as it is so far in advance, but we have been talking about a few before we head over for the UK.

  1. Marc Silverman
    Marc Silverman says:

    Just saw your May 31st show at The Cutting Room in New York City. I knew it would be TERRIFIC, but I have to admit, you trounced my high expectations with your spectacular vocal range and a backing band par excellence!

    And seeing the show in an intimate venue like this made it even better! Thanks for your Nodd to Todd, we were thoroughly entertained and enjoyed our night!


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