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The Elements of Style & Tonic

Doug Howard 3/28/14 (Originally published November, 2005) Recently I was quite surprised to find that I am, in some warped circles apparently now considered a writer. This in spite of the fact that I have two horrid little novels that actually speak to me in the middle of the night, just prior to my falling […]

Here we go again!…

3/3/14 – Doug will again be joining Rhett Tyler & Early Warning  for  the 2014 live show season. Here are the dates so far…     – March 29, 2014 Sat – Dinosaur Bar-B-Que  – Albany NY  – April 5, 2014 Sat – Waterwheel – Milford PA  – April 17, 2014 Thu – Palace Theater – […]

Getting Tagged (or how to waste an entire aftenoon on nothing)

Okay…. I got tagged. (Originally posted on February 19, 2009 on FB) So when one is tagged, the deal is … at least amongst compulsive bloggers… is that you must answer 101 questions about yourself… being honest, but also not putting the reader to sleep or cause them to become nauseous over your self indulgent, […]

The Long Wait Is OVER!!

8/3/13 – Finally, the long wait is over.  Fully remixed and re-mastered, SpoonBread’s live album “Live At The Fireman’s Ball” is set for release on September 1st, 2013.  Of course the tracks have been available on this site and others for streaming, but not for download.  The album is the live recording of Doug and […]

Live Show & Touring News for 2013

4/3/13 – For the 2013 summer show season, Doug has teamed up with guitar wizard Rhett Tyler.  And there are tons of dates.  Best place to keep up on where they are going to be is Rhett’s Fan Page  or, follow Doug Howard on Twitter or on his FaceBook site.